How to develop your first Figma plugin for designers

Lee Munroe
6 min readApr 10, 2024


I recently developed my first Figma plugin.

It wasn’t hard, and my whole team joined in, exposing us to what is possible with the Figma API.

Here’s a quick tutorial…


First off, at OneSignal the design team do occasional weekly “themed” weeks, where we set an objective outside the typical weekly workload.

Learn something new, code something, read a book etc.

This week the goal was to create a Figma plugin.

This was a great way to get non-coders involved in development.

Most of the team don’t code. None of us, including myself, had tried to created a Figma plugin before.

Everyone was starting from scratch & learned something new.

Kudos Brian Gaus for his really simple tutorial which we followed to help get us started.

This plugin simply sets the colors of different shapes based on how they are named.

Once we had a simple plugin that turned shapes different colors, we moved on to more adventurous things.

Step 1: Create a new plugin

Create a new Figma Design file

Right click > Plugins > Development > New plugin…

Name your plugin and select Figma design

Select Custom UI

Select a location on your computer to save it

Plugin created — open the folder to see what files exist

We’re not going to use Typescript for this so delete those 2 files

code.js — this is where your plugin code lives

manifest.json — describes your plugin, Figma uses this to get the name of your plugin etc.

package.json — where your dependencies live, not required for this tutorial — describes your project for other developers, not required for this tutorial

ui.html — the UI for your plugin that can interact with code.js

Step 2: Code your plugin UI

Now to get your hands dirty with code. You’ll want to use a code editor for this (I use Visual Studio Code).

Open code.js and replace it with this:

//Tells Figma to display your custom UI

//Resizes your plugin UI in pixels
figma.ui.resize(400, 400)

This is our custom function
When a user submits an input from our plugin UI,
this will take care of it
function activateWhenUserClicksSubmit(msg){

//extracts the message's vairables
const {keyword, hex} = msg;

//tests for keyword
function testForKeyWord(node){
//a regular expression that tests if the keyword is in the title
const isKeyword = new RegExp(keyword, 'gi');
return isKeyword.test(;
return false;

//Gets the node for the current Figma Page
const currentPage = figma.currentPage;
const nodes = currentPage.findAll(testForKeyWord)

//fills all our code with the selected color
for(const node of nodes){
node.fills = [{type:"SOLID", color: colorConverter(hex)}]

This is an event listener
Whenever the UI makes a call
to our main code
figma.ui.onmessage = activateWhenUserClicksSubmit;

function colorConverter(hexColor){

//a regular expression. It will test if the hex is proper
const isHex = /[0-9abcdef]/i;

//Throws an error if the hex is improper
if(hexColor.length !== 6 && isHex.test(hexColor)){
throw Error('hex colors must have 6 characters');

//converts hex code into RGB coloring
const r = parseInt(hexColor.slice(0,2), 16)/255;
const g = parseInt(hexColor.slice(2,4), 16)/255;
const b = parseInt(hexColor.slice(4,6), 16)/255;

return {r,g,b};

Open ui.html and replace it with this:

<h1> Change Widgets Color </h1>

<!-- Short app explanation -->
Will change the color of all objects with the key word in their title

<!--Asks user for a hex color value-->
<label for = 'hex-input'>
New Hex Color
id = "hex-input"
type = "text"
max = "6"
min = "6"
placeholder = "fafa1d"

<!--Asks user for a key word-->
<label for = 'keyword-input'>
Key Word
id = "keyword-input"
type = "text"
placeholder = "title"

<!--Submit button-->
<button id = "button">
Change Color

font-family: sans-serif;
color: #777777;
margin-top: 20px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 75%;
font-weight: 600;

font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 3px;
border-style: none;
border-bottom-style: solid;
outline: none;
font-weight: 600;
margin-top: 20px;
padding: 10px;
font-weight: 700;

//Creates variables that allow us to access the HTML components
const hexInput = document.getElementById('hex-input');
const keywordInput = document.getElementById('keyword-input');
const button = document.getElementById('button');

//Takes input values and shares them with your Figma code
function whenButtonIsClicked(){
const hex = hexInput.value;
const keyword = keywordInput.value;
//Sends your values to your Figma code. * is the code's worker address
parent.postMessage({ pluginMessage: { hex, keyword } }, '*')

//creates a listener that will activate whenever the button is clicked
button.addEventListener('click', whenButtonIsClicked)

For a more detailed walkthrough of what is happening in this code, check out Brian’s tutorial which goes into more detail.

Step 3: Run your plugin

Right click > Plugins > Development > [select your plugin]

Draw some shapes

Change the layer name of the shapes to different colors (red, green, purple etc.)

Enter the hex color value and the key word (layer name) then hit “Change Color” to start seeing your shapes turn color

That’s it, you have your first Figma plugin!

Next steps

Obviously this is very basic and just to get you started.

I recommend checking the Figma API and GitHub plugin samples to discover what else you can do.

I opened up ChatGPT and utilized this to help me build more plugins.

My team ended up with a diverse set of plugins that went above and beyond this tutorial, all within a couple of hours.

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p.s. we’re hiring designers at OneSignal



Lee Munroe
Lee Munroe

Written by Lee Munroe

Designer Developer in San Francisco. VP of Design @ OneSignal.

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